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Erreur de jugement modérée d'un gros coup de pot !

Grillé !

Vous imaginez comment ce gars aurait pu se faire empaler par le grillage ?

[edit] Sans doute un fake

Damn, almost had me fooled - around the 9-10 sec mark, the landing, is where they clipped in his body. There's a slice where they insert him getting off the fence backwards, check out his upper body movement in half speed. - also, check out the disappearing/reappearing yellow coat in the bottom right corner, they forgot to edit that out. - finally, the trees in between the fence move in sync with his landing, indicating the fence was also altered

Source: I watch that one dude with the half silver painted face on youtube.

edit: words

edit #2: There's also a frame missing in between 3-4 secs, play it back at half speed and watch him and his bike teleport onto the fence :P

[edit 2] Est-ce vraiment un fake ? Epluchant les publications autour de ce fail, je découvre que ce gars est un pro du BMX et que donc , il a des milliers d'heures d'entraînement.

"Do not try this at home.

Professional BMX rider Anthony Napolitan would have been counting his crown jewels after spiking himself on a fence in a failed flip attempt.

The 31-year-old American, who earned mainstream notoriety by landing the first ever double frontflip in the X Games Big Air event in 2009, was filming a new edit when a near-tragedy happened.

Attempting to front flip out of a skateboard bowl and over what appears to be at least a two metre high fence, Napolitan finished well short — and skewered himself."

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