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Echange avec un écureuil

Troc ? Cadeau ? Peut-être les deux. Cet écureuil dépose divers objets dans cette coupelle car il sait qu'en échange, il va avoir de la nourriture fraîche. Comme il y a une caméra pour surveiller l'endroit, cet échange est quasi instantané : l'écureuil sait que de la nourriture va être déposée juste après son "offrande".

Just to be clear I exchange anything he puts in the bowl not just food. I like to feed him either way. Maybe they are gifts? I like to think of it as an exchange bowl though. I usually exchange the stuff quick cause I see him put the stuff in the bowl on my monitor. He knows what hes doing.

He comes every morning at 8:30 like clockwork so you would know when to watch. Only issue is I don't know how to go about putting a cctv cam online.

I put the bowl out to feed birds originally but the only animal to use it was the squirrel. After only a few times putting food out he would start bringing things to put in or hide in the bowl, maybe as gifts? not sure but whenever he would I would replace it with seeds/nuts/fruits whatever I have. Now I have a camera watching the bowl and it's interesting to see what he puts in the bowl. I've got acorns, trash, sticks, and an apple core. I'm hoping he brings me a diamond ring or something valuable one day.

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